I love the way you dance the Cha cha even if your steps are quite confusing to me, I love the way you sing “Wonderful Tonight” even if your pitch are two notes higher, I love the way you call my name- ‘Donna’ when you make lambing, but I wanted to just vanish when you call me by my full name “DonnaBelle” because it means you’re mad, I love the way you cook Ginataang everything (that’s your specialty) even if it’s so hot and spicy most of the time, I love the way you take care of yourself even if sometimes I find it OA already :-), I love the way you dress even if all your plumps are showing, I love the way you teach and guide Trisha with all her lessons and assignments in school, I know I owe you so much, I love the way you take care of Trisha even if you spoil her often, I am forever grateful to you.
And so on your special day let me thank you…
for all your countless sacrifices to the four of us ( me and my siblings), for being our bestfriend, for being our confidante for being our angel for being a very loving lola to Third and Trisha and most of all for being such a wonderful Mom.
I may not afford to give you an expensive gift for your birthday but I wish you…
a long and healthy life so that you can still see and enjoy your future great grand children, peace and happiness because it will make you look younger, and most importantly, I pray to the Lord, that he may grant your heart's desire.
I do not utter this often but to say that I love you very much is an understatement.
Happy Birthday Mommy! You are simply the BEST!