2nd Half
15th Jan to 21st Jan
Really getting busy now. Our one of the biggest exhibition is forthcoming and we are now in the process of preparing and organizing every details of the show.
Got the influenza and had a day off (sick leave) on the 21st. Oh boy! It was terrible.
22nd Jan to 31st Jan
I went to the hospital on the 22nd to get the flu shot, but according to my Dr., meds would already do and water and juices throughout the day.Gurgle with hot water and salt would also do the trick for my sorethroat, she said.
I was already a little better and bored so Buddy and I went to the mall with his sister's family on the 22nd . Bought a pair of Alice Crocs.It's very comfy and i love the sight of it in my feet.
On the 24th, I was feeling unwell again. Talk about having a relapsed.
Buddy and I went to the mall again on the 28th as he was looking for a nice pair of driving shoes.But we end up buying leg support and nike shirt for him and a pair of slippers for me.
Wowowie day on the 30th. We watched Wowowie live in Dubai. To say it was crowded is an understatement. You will not be able drop a needle in the crowd. It won't fall on the ground.I didn't enjoy much because I felt dizzy with thousands of people around me under the heat of the sun. The good thing was, wowowie gave the grand prizes to all the winning participants.A really big help for the OWF kababayans.