I received a call from you a while ago with the thoughts of asking me about work, instead you went on saying like this, “so you like apples and chocolate cakes and Japanese crackers ha, sometimes you eat pizza, but I know you always eat pizza” (these were written on my earlier post “All about Me”).
Oh yeah! I know I know, of course it’s a web blog, what to expect, huh!
Still, it surprised me, because you’re one of the least person whom I expect to find my blog. But you did. Now, you always have somethings to tease me about. But I’m happy and excited; you are the 4th person to read my stories. Yes, I have only four readers. You see, I am not that ready to introduce my writings to the world (how ironic, isn’t it? I’m having an online diary and I’m not ready to let the world know).
Anytime soon, you might come and sneak a look at this blog again. It’s your turn to be surprised! For I am very sure, you very well know that it’s you I am talking about. hehe. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and have fun discovering the real me.
Oh yeah….. You!
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